Welcome to vivo Support

Phone shut down when disconnencting with charger

Why does my phone restart automatically?

The phone lags when it is being unlocked

Why does my phone enter Recovery mode/System repair mode after it powers on?

Why does my phone automatically restart?

Phone slow/lagging/not smooth in multiple apps or scenarios

How to solve the lagging problem of a mobile phone?

Phone automatically turns off

What should I do if a system app closes unexpectedly?

What should I do if a third-party app stops working?

Camera preview lagging/camera lagging when taking pictures

What should I do if there is a display anomaly in app?

What should I do if a system app stops working?

It takes long time to turn on the phone

Phone is lagging while playing games

What should I do if a system app malfunctions?

Camera preview lags in a dark environment

There is a “No respond" prompt when I enter the app or game. What should I do?

Frame drops while playing the game

Why does a third-party app have low volume/noise/no sound/interrupted sound?

What should I do if an app closes unexpectedly, stops working, or does not respond?

The phone lags when playing music

What should I do if an error occurs when I try to install a third-party app?

What should I do if a third-party app closes unexpectedly?

Playing videos lags