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Can I recover lost or accidentally deleted files?

Can I restore deleted files in "File Manager"?

When I try deleting data in "File Manager", the phone prompts that the folder is protected.

How to find the deleted files?

What should I do if I forget the password of Safe folder/File Safe?

Can I recover the pictures deleted by accident in Safe folder?

What is the function of File safe/Safe folder?

Can I delete the bbklog or mtklog file?

How can I restore files in Recycle bin?

Why doesn't my phone support File Manager?

How can I search for files in "File Manager"?

Does File safe/Safe folder take up memory space?

How to move files from the phone storage to the SD card?

How to delete the hidden files on the phone?

How can I delete files in Recycle bin?

What is root directory?

How can I enable Recycle bin in File Manager?

Can I obtain the files in Safe folder/File safe if I forget the password and answers of security questions of Safe folder/File safe?

How to turn off Safe folder/File Safe?

Can I view system files?

Where are the encrypted files of the SD card stored?

How to change Security questions of File safe?

Does the deletion of files from the mobile phone cause a system crash?

How can I move files?

Why are the files downloaded by the mobile phone deleted automatically?

What are the compressed packages in "File Manager"?

Why does the bbklog or mtklog folder always appear on my phone?

Where are the decrypted files stored?

How can I open a PDF file?

Can I add the shortcut of a file or folder to the home screen?

Where can I find the files encrypted?

How to check the system files?

How can I customize icons on the home page of "File Manager"?

Can the encrypted information be read by a third-party app?

How to change the password of Safe folder/File safe?

Why can't some files stored on the phone be deleted?

My phone prompts that "The system directory folder cannot be operated".

How to move out encrypted files?

How can I delete files in my phone?

How can I disable Recycle bin in File Manager?

Which formats of files can the phone unzip?

Which files can be deleted in File Manager/Files?

How to use control function?

Why are the date of some files on my vivo Phone earlier than the date of production?

Why does the phone automatically generate files?

Can I delete files in "File management"

How to delete all files at once?

How can I decompress files?

Why is the Search History in Files/File manager missing?

How can I delete files in the SD card?

How can I create a folder in Phone storage?

Which formats of files can the phone decompress?

How can I modify the file name?

How to move a file to another folder?

How to encrypt the files on the phone?

How can I compress files?

How to modify the file format ?

Why can't I decompress .rar files or compressed files in other formats?

How can I move files to Recycle bin?

What should I do if the phone space is insufficient because of forgetting to turn off the Log switch?

How to change the open method of the file?