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TalkBack can help blind and low-vision users by describing what you touch, select, and activate. You can go to Settings>More settings/Shortcuts&Accessibility>Accessibility>TalkBack to turn on the switch.

If you have turned TalkBack on by accident, you can follow these steps to turn off it:

Method 1:Press and hold the Power button to turn it off on the power menu

Method 2:Press and hold the volume "+" key and the power-off key for three seconds to enter the power-off interface and exit this mode.This method can be used to turn off the Talkbackonly if the volume key shortcut is turned on.

Method 3:

(1 )Tap Settings icon, and you will see a green frame around the Settings icon. Double-tap it to enter the Settings interface. Then you can use two fingers to slide upward;

(2) Find More settings/Shortcuts&Accessibility, tap it, then double-tap it. Use two fingers to slide upward until you find Accessibility;

(3)Tap it, then double-tap it. After that, tap TalkBack, then double-tap it;

(4) Tap the switch, then double-tap to turn it off.

You can also find a Talkback shortcut switch here, in order to prevent the Talkback from being turned on by a subsequent accidental touch, you can also turn off the Talkback Shortcut here.

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